IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference

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DXQueryOriginalSizes, DXQueryOriginalMeshExtents


Returns information about the size of the original Field used as the input to DXGrow.


#include <dx/dx.h>

Field DXQueryOriginalSizes(Field f, int *positions, int *connections)
Field DXQueryOriginalMeshExtents(Field f, int *offsets, int *sizes)

Functional Details

Returns information about the size of the original Field used as the input to DXGrow. The parameter f names a Field that was produced by DXGrow. In the case of DXQueryOriginalSizes, if positions is not NULL, the number of positions in the original Field is returned in *positions. If connections is not NULL, the number of interpolation elements in the original Field is returned in *connections. This is particularly useful in the case of irregular data.

In the case of data defined on a regular mesh of connections, DXQueryOriginalMeshExtents can be used to obtain the offsets of the original Field relative to the grown Field, and the sizes of the original Field. If offsets is not NULL, the offset in each dimension of the original Field is returned in the Array pointed to by offsets; if sizes is not NULL, the size in each dimension of the original Field is returned in the Array pointed to by offsets.

Typically, data is grown so that neighborhood information is available during the calculation of a result for some original point (or connection) in the Field. The information returned by these routines identifies the portion of the grown Field that belonged to the original Field and that will remain after a later call to DXShrink. Thus, the caller can use this information to process only that portion of the Field that will remain after a later call to DXShrink.

Return Value

Returns f if it is a grown field or returns NULL (without setting an error code) if it not; otherwise, returns NULL and sets an error code.

See Also

DXGrow, DXGrowV, DXShrink

14.4 , "Growing and Shrinking Partitioned Data".

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