IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference

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DXGrow, DXGrowV


Add information from neighboring partitions to a Composite Field.


#include <dx/dx.h>

Object DXGrow(Object object, int n, Pointer fill, ...)
Object DXGrowV(Object object, int n, Pointer fill, char **components)

Functional Details

Recursively add boundary information to each partition of any Composite Fields encountered in object.

The depth of overlap is defined by n. The treatment of the boundary of the Field is specified by the fill parameter: specify GROW_NONE for no expansion at the exterior boundary of the entire field; GROW_REPLICATE to expand at the exterior boundary by replicating the nearest edge values; GROW_NOFILL to expand the exterior boundary by leaving space for the extra data but leaving their value undefined; any other value of fill must be a pointer to a data item of the correct type to expand at the boundary. It is used as the fill value. For DXGrowV, the components Array contains a NULL-terminated list of components to be grown; all others remain unaffected. For DXGrow, the final arguments after n consist of a NULL-terminated list of the components to be grown. For each component that is grown, the original component is renamed to "original component" before the grown component is created.

Return Value

Returns the input Object with the overlapping data added or returns NULL and sets an error code. If o is a field, returns o unmodified.

See Also

DXQueryOriginalSizes, DXQueryOriginalMeshExtents, DXShrink

14.4 , "Growing and Shrinking Partitioned Data".

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