IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference

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Renders an Object into an image.


#include <dx/dx.h>

Field DXRender(Object o, Camera c, char *format)

Functional Details

Renders all objects in o using the Camera defined by c. It returns a new image Field containing the result. This routine performs the transformation, shading, and the tiling steps.

If format is specified as NULL, a generic floating-point image is created; this is the most flexible format with respect to processing by other modules. Alternatively, format may be specified as a character string identifying a hardware-specific format that may be used only for display on a particular hardware device. format currently must begin with "X" for an image that will be displayed on an X server image window, or "FB" for an image that will be displayed on an IBM 7246 Video Controller. Any other string will generate a generic floating-point image.

A renderable Field must have at least a "positions" and a "colors" component. For anything other than scattered points, a "connections" component is needed. Many other components and attributes affect the output of DXRender. For additional details on the rendering process, see Chapter 16. "Rendering".

Return Value

Returns the image, or returns NULL and sets the error code to indicate an error.

See Also

DXApplyTransform, DXGetCameraMatrix, DXGetCameraRotation, DXGetCameraMatrixWithFuzz, DXSetAttribute, DXDeleteAttribute

Chapter 16. "Rendering".

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