IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference

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Creates a new Object aligned to the final screen.


#include <dx/dx.h>

Screen DXNewScreen(Object o, int position, int z)

Functional Details

A Screen Object is an Object that maintains a size and alignment with the screen (output image) independent of the camera view and scaling transformations applied to it.

The position parameter specifies one of the three options for positioning of the Screen Object as explained in the following material; it must be one of SCREEN_WORLD, SCREEN_PIXEL or SCREEN_VIEWPORT. The z parameter determines the relative depth of the Object, as described in the following text.

Three options are provided for the interpretation of translations applied to a Screen Object. First, a translation applied to the Screen Object may specify a new position for the origin of the Screen Object in world space (SCREEN_WORLD). Second, a translation applied to the Screen Object may specify a new location for the Screen Object in the image, measured in pixels, where (0,0) refers to the lower-left corner of the image (SCREEN_PIXEL). Third, a translation applied to the Screen Object may specify a new location for the Screen Object in the image, measured in viewport-relative coordinates, where (0,0) refers to the lower-left corner of the image and (1,1) refers to the upper-right corner of the image (SCREEN_VIEWPORT).

The z parameter controls where the Screen Object is displayed relative to all other Objects in the scene. -1 displays behind, 0 is in the scene, and +1 is in front of all other Objects.

The Object created can be deleted with DXDelete. See 4.2 , "Memory Management".

Return Value

Returns the Screen Object or returns NULL and sets an error code.

See Also

DXGetScreenInfo, DXSetScreenObject

16.5 , "Screen Class".

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