IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference

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Interpolates data values at sample points.


#include <dx/dx.h>

Object DXMap(Object object, Object map, char *src, char *dst)

Functional Details

This function provides a simple generic tool for interpolation. Object object may be either a Field, a Composite Field, or an Array. In the first two cases, the component specified by src is used to sample map; the results of the interpolation are placed in the component specified by dst, and object is returned. If object is an Array, it is used directly to interpolate map, and an Array containing the interpolated values is returned; in this case, the src and dst parameters are ignored.

If map represents a data Field, it must be a Field, a Composite Field, or an Interpolator. The src component of this data Field is used to generate the values at the sample points.

If map is an Array, this routine creates a resulting Array that consists of the appropriate number of copies of the contents of the map Array (which must contain exactly one item). This result is then handled as previously described: if object is a Field or a Composite Field, the result Array is added to the Field using the component name specified by dst. Otherwise, the resulting Array is returned. This form is used to create a constant data value at all sample points.

DXMapCheck should be called before DXMap to check the compatibility of the input object and map.

Return Value

Returns an Object (see above) or returns NULL and sets an error code.

See Also

DXInterpolate, DXMapArray, DXMapCheck, DXNewInterpolator

14.2 , "Interpolation and Mapping".

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